Sam’s Club Sets Up Loan Program For Members

July 8, 2010 Associated Press

Sam’s Club, the Wal-Mart warehouse chain, is establishing a program that will loan as much as $25,000 to members who are starting or expanding small businesses.

Unified Grocers CEO Joins Bank’s EAC

Alfred A. Plamann was selected as vice chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s Economic Advisory Council.

Hy-Vee To Deliver Ads Via Postal Service

In a marriage-mail program, Hy-Vee and other advertisers mail ads together and share the cost of postage.

Data Is Shaping Supermarket Shelves

High-tech approaches are being used to get inside the minds of shoppers and figure out what moves them to buy at the final point of purchase.

Most Consumers Consider Sustainable Production

July 7, 2010 Food Navigator USA

Nearly 70 percent of U.S. consumers consider sustainable production when choosing food products at the grocery store, according to a survey.