Kroger Launches Traceable Salads With HarvestMark

October 29, 2009 Miz Nakajima, HarvestMark

Krogers new line of fresh salads enables customers to learn the origin of the produce through exclusive technology.

Institute Of Medicine Recommends More Fruits And Vegetables For School Meals

IOM report, School Meals: Building Blocks for Healthy Children, shows importance of increasing the amount and variety of vegetables and fruits in schools.

California Citrus Farmers Fear Tree-Killing Disease

California growers and agricultural officials are worried the state’s citrus industry will be crippled by the disease carried by the psyllid, which devastated Florida’s crops.

Chilean Navels Exceed Expectations In Record-Breaking Citrus Season

The Chilean Fresh Fruit Association celebrates successful Chilean citrus season as shipments wind down.

U.S. Foodservice Announces Winners Of First Annual Vendor Reception

Sixty U.S. Foodservice divisions and the MonarchFood Group support office evaluated venders based on 10 criteria categories. The award ceremony took place in Rosemont, IL.