YottaMark Closes Series C Funding And Announces New Hires

The traceability and authentication solutions company expands staff and invests in enhanced features of the HarvestMark solution for fresh food traceability.

Senate Version Of Food-Safety Bill Doesn’t Account For Size

December 2, 2009 Dave Wilkins, Capital Press

Food-safety reform has cleared another hurdle in Congress despite opposition from small-scale and organic food groups who favor a two-track system that classifies them as lower-risk.

U.S. Supermarkets Successfully Promote Chilean Avocados

December 2, 2009 Maggie Bezart, CAIA

Supermarket promotional partners see dramatic sales increases.

Washington’s Largest Cameo Apple Shipper Is Optimistic About Crop

Domex Superfresh Growers is the industry leader representing 26 percent of all Cameo apples from Washington State and 91 percent of organic Cameos.

Giumarra Agricom Grower Named Farmer Of The Year

Avocado grower Bill Witman honored by the San Diego County Farm Bureau.