Tesco Honors Subsole With Best Supplier Award

December 21, 2009 Gustavo Yentzen, Subsole

Tesco of London awarded Chilean exporter Subsole Best Supplier in the Southern Hemisphere.’

California Avocado Industry Elects New Board Leadership

Don Reeder was elected to the office of chairman of the California Avocado Commission (CAC) at its November Board of Directors meeting.

California Kiwifruit Commission Launches Kiwi Tweet

The California Kiwifruit Commission is launching Twitter and Facebook pages in an effort to keep the trade, media, consumers and all kiwifruit fans up-to-date about the latest on all things kiwifruit,

The Perishable Specialist Hires Business Development Director

The Perishable Specialist Inc. hired Mark Vertrees as its marketing and business development director.

Vend Natural Introduces Del Monte Fresh Produce Vending Line

Vend Natural Inc. is one of the first to bring selection of fresh fruit and vegetables to healthful snack machines.