Farmland Seasoned Pork Spices Up The Meat Case

January 27, 2010 Farmland Foods

Farmland Seasoned Pork for Fajitas comes preseasoned for a flavorful, authentic taste, and features a great cut of pork that’s more tender than beef flank steak and more moist than chicken varieties.

Farmland First US Pork Co. With “Never Ever 3” Designation

January 27, 2010 Farmland Foods

Farmland SIMPLY NATURAL Fresh Pork: No Antibiotics, No Growth Promotants, No Animal By-Products, NEVER EVER.

Your Local Butcher Is The New Rock Star

Any cook can benefit from having a friend behind the meat counter.

Braising Makes Less Expensive Cuts Taste Great

Cooking techniques like braising are the best ways to get maximum enjoyment out of the less-expensive cuts of meat, which often are the most flavorful.

Full Circle Bison Ranch Trying Hand At Pastured Pork

January 27, 2010 Sarah Lemon, Mail Tribune

A Williams, OR rancher wants to replicate renowned taste of the Spanish ‘black-footed’ pig.