Natural Pigments Offer Sausage Shelf-Life Extension

Natural carotenoids like zeaxanthin may extend the shelf-life of refrigerated
sausages and allow formulators to remove artificial preservatives to tap
consumer trends, says a new study.

Hormel’s ‘Life Better Served Campaign’ Blends In Fresh Meat

February 10, 2010 Hormel Foods, LLC

Hormel Foods will market their extensive portfolio of Hormel branded products from familiar favorites like Hormel chili to newer offerings like Hormel refrigerated entrees in a single campaign. This initiative, launching today, supports all Hormel branded products through a single advertising platform: Life Better Served.

Whole Foods Bratwurst Gets High Marks In The Bay Area

Our panelist from the Midwest was a little skeptical of the finished products – they couldn’t have been more different from one another – but regardless, the group was able to find a couple that they’d happily purchase for their own parties. One of those, in first place, was Whole Foods

A Guide To Meat Cuts

February 10, 2010 Andrea Hangst, Luxist

Here is a very simple list of great cuts of beef for grilling, and the best ways to prepare them.

Dakota Beef Moves Operations

February 10, 2010 Dakota Beef

Dakota Beef, the nation’s leading producer of premium certified organic beef, and North Dakota Natural Beef (NDNB), a growing supplier of natural Angus beef, have entered into a co-packing partnership merging each company’s harvest and fabrication operations.