Delauro Sees U.S. Food Safety Law In 2010

Congress will pass a new law to overhaul the antiquated U.S. food safety system
by the end of the year, U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, an influential House lawmaker,
said on Wednesday.

Victims Of Contaminated Meat Call On USDA To Address Deadly Pathogens

S.T.O.P. – Safe Tables Our Priority and victims of foodborne
illness called upon the United States Department of Agriculture to
recognize as adulterants six other potentially deadly types of E. coli bacteria
in addition to the notorious E. coli O157:H7 that is currently classified as an

Organic Meats Finding A Niche, But That’s All

March 19, 2010 Brad Dorfman, Reuters

Manufacturers and retailers may have put more organic products on store shelves when the marketing buzz was highest. Now they are pulling some of it back as consumer demand did not meet those expectations.

MI Senate Has Beef With The Governors ‘Meatout’

The meatout controversy reignited in the Michigan state Senate on
Wednesday, where a resolution was passed asking Gov. Jennifer Granholm to
rescind her proclamation urging Michiganders to give up meat on Saturday to
recognize the benefits of vegetarian diets.

American Lamb Board Unites New England Chefs At Boston Lamb Jam

March 19, 2010 The American Lamb Board

The American Lamb Board partnered with to bring
lambtastic dishes to the table at the first Boston American Lamb Jam on Sunday,
March 7, at the Charles Hotel in Cambridge, MA. Fifteen chefs competed for top
honors by creating succulent and savory selections paired with Boston beers and
hand-picked wines for the lamb loving public.