Farmland’s Gold Medal Smoked Sausage, Flavor That’s Bigger Than The Bun!

May 6, 2010 Farmland

The new Farmland Gold Medal Smoked Sausage is made from only USDA-inspected cuts of pork and beef, which give it a rich taste and delicious, even texture. Its also smoked, offering a delectable, authentic smokehouse flavor.

Butterball Receives Environmental & Safety Awards From AMI

May 6, 2010 Butterball

The American Meat Institute has awarded Butterball with Environmental Recognition Awards from the American Meat Institute (AMI) for seven of its plants and feed mills. They also received five safety awards from the American Meat Institute (AMI), including the Award of Honor, the institutes highest safety award.

Steers From Here: Locally Produced Meats Are At A Market Near You

Now that the new growing season is starting, access to locally produced foods at farmers markets will be easier. But not everyone can get to farmers markets, especially to the ones that offer locally raised meats. Since early this year, however, consumers have had a new supermarket source for Kentucky-raised cattle, through PM Beef, a Minnesota beef processor, in cooperation with Kentucky Proud, a buy-local initiative of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.

New Steak Joins Lineup Of 100-Calorie Food Items

When it comes to calories, 100 is a magic number. Easy to keep track of, hundred-calorie snacks promise a measure of pleasure that won’t blow the whole diet. Now, another breakthrough: the 100-calorie steak.

First Research, Inc.: Poultry Processing In The U.S.

May 6, 2010 First Research, Inc

The US poultry processing industry includes about 300 companies with combined annual revenue of about $50 billion. Major companies include Perdue Incorporated, Pilgrim’s Pride, and Tyson Foods. The industry is highly concentrated: the 50 largest companies account for more than 90 percent of revenue.