Chicken Wing Prices Soar While Breast Prices Sink

While many bars and restaurants continue to offer cheap chicken wings as an
enticement to get diners and drinkers in the door, the demand for the little
bits of bird has increased so much in the last decade that wholesale costs for
wings have more than doubled. Chicken breasts prices, however, have decreased.

Ham Or Lamb? Easter Tradition Serves Up Versatile Favorites

Planning the Easter meal typically begins with the proverbial question: ham or
lamb? Both have been showing up on the Easter table for hundreds of years. History aside, most Americans opt for ham these days. Make that 70 percent of
U.S. tables, according to the National Pork Board.

Save Money By Learning To Cut Up A Whole Chicken

Why bother with whole when what you want is parts? Because a whole chicken is more than the sum of those parts.

Johnsonville Sausage Launches ‘Triple Play Challenge’ Baseball Contest

March 24, 2010 Johnsonville Sausage

Johnsonville Sausage today announced the kick-off of
its “Triple Play Challenge” contest, which allows consumers to use their
baseball knowledge and skills to compete for a trip to California to see the
best in baseball play this summer.

NMA Announces Its Affiliation With CMMA

March 24, 2010 National Meat Association

The Chicago Midwest Meat Association (CMMA) and National Meat Association (NMA) are pleased to announce an affiliation, effective immediately.