Eating Less Meat Won’t Curb Climate Change, Air Quality Expert Says

March 23, 2010 American Meat Institute

Consuming less meat will not reduce our greenhouse gas production, a leading
air quality expert said on Monday, Agence France-Presse reports. Frank
Mitloehner, a professor at the University of California-Davis, delivered his
remarks during a conference of the American Chemical Society in California.

Improve Middle Meat Sales With Merchandising Technique

March 23, 2010 The Beef Checkoff Program

As ribeye steaks and New York strips have gotten bigger, many customers have
become frustrated with middle meat cuts because of larger portion sizes, higher
prices and thinner cuts. In addition, due to the economic crunch, fewer people
are eating out, and in turn, restaurants are purchasing less of these cuts. Now
your stores, like other retailers, have access to an abundance of middle meats

Michigan Rep. Introduces Resolution For Meat And Poultry Appreciation Day

March 23, 2010 American Meat Institute

Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI) has introduced a resolution in the United States House
of Representatives calling for Saturday, March 20, 2010, to be celebrated as
National American Meat and Poultry Appreciation Day. The resolution was signed
by six other members of the Michigan congressional delegation.

Holiday Hosts Face Many Choices Of Different Hams

Just as you’ll find piles of turkeys on a trip through the meat department in
November, you’ll find heaps of ham come April. With Easter feasts and spring
brunches on the horizon, everyone seems to have glazed, baked ham on their minds
— and on their menus.

BUBBA Burger 250 Announced At Richmond International Raceway

Richmond International Raceway announced today that next months NASCAR Nationwide Series race will officially be titled the BUBBA burger 250.