Johnsonville Sausage Launches ‘Triple Play Challenge’ Baseball Contest

March 24, 2010 Johnsonville Sausage

Johnsonville Sausage today announced the kick-off of
its “Triple Play Challenge” contest, which allows consumers to use their
baseball knowledge and skills to compete for a trip to California to see the
best in baseball play this summer.

NMA Announces Its Affiliation With CMMA

March 24, 2010 National Meat Association

The Chicago Midwest Meat Association (CMMA) and National Meat Association (NMA) are pleased to announce an affiliation, effective immediately.

Statement Of The American Meat Institute On Beef Safety

Producing meat that is as safe as we can make it is the industrys number one priority. Our enemy is pathogenic bacteria and these bacteria respond to scientific interventions, not regulatory bans.

American Meat Institute On The Consumer Recall Notification Act

March 24, 2010 American Meat Institute

Food safety is the meat industrys top priority. The livelihood and reputation
of our businesses depend on the consumer confidence in our products that weve
established over many years. Although the food safety profile of our products
continues to improve, it is not perfect. But we are continuously working toward
that goal.

Smithfield Foods Brings Home The Bacon

March 24, 2010 Andrea Tse, The Street

Smithfield Foods(SFD) has received positive assessments from both stock and credit analysts
after the company reported that it swung to a profit in the third quarter.