Glazes For Ham, Rubs For Lamb Impart Flavors Of Spring

Just as Peeps and chocolate bunnies are de rigueur in Easter baskets, so is a
leg o lamb or a half ham the quintessential centerpiece for a spring feast. And
because these meats are holiday fare, they need to be dolled up in their
prettiest and tastiest finery. For ham, you want it to shine bright with fruity glazes. With lamb, you need to spread it on thick. Aromatic herbs and spices rubbed into
the meat and left to meld for hours is the ideal treatment

Don’t Overcook The Ham!

Lets make an Easter pledge: We wont put a fully cooked spiral sliced ham in
the oven for two hours. We wont dry out the ham to shoe-leather quality; and thats not just a clich, its a bad taste.

Sanderson Farms, Inc. Announces Plans For New N.C. Poultry Complex

March 30, 2010 Sanderson Farms, Inc.

Sanderson Farms, Inc. announced today that it plans to locate a potential new poultry complex near Goldsboro, North Carolina. Sanderson Farms expects to invest approximately $94.0 million in the potential new big bird deboning complex.

AMI Comments On Proposed Nutrition Labeling Of Meat And Poultry Products

March 30, 2010 American Meat Institute

The American Meat Institute (AMI) has submitted comments regarding the Food
Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) supplemental proposed rule, Nutrition
Labeling of Single-Ingredient Products and Ground or Chopped Meat and Poultry

Associations Comment On Pomeroy-Shimkus Legislation To Extend Ethanol Credits

In response to newly introduced legislation from Reps. Earl Pomeroy, D-N.D., and
John Shimkus, R-Ill., that extends a key tax credit for corn ethanol and the
54-cents per gallon tariff on foreign ethanol, the following meat and poultry
organizations provided comment.