Smithfield Shares Up On Reports Of Deal With JBS

Shares of Smithfield Foods Inc. soared more than 5 percent Tuesday on reports that the hog producer might be ripe for a takeover by Brazilian meat giant JBS.

Red Meat Production Down 20%

According to a release by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Wyoming field office, commercial red meat production during May of 2010 totaled 400,000 pounds, equal to April’s production, but 20 percent less than May 2009 production.

Cargill Marks Start Of Work On Innovation Center

The sizzle of assorted meats on the large open fire grill early Monday afternoon signified the start of work on Cargills new $14.7 million research and development facility.

Samuel Adams & Artisan Butcher Jake Dickson Unveil Specialty Beef Cut

June 29, 2010 Samuel Adams

Today, the brewers at Samuel Adams and artisanal meat purveyor Jake Dickson unveil the innovative Samuel Adams Boston Lager Cut, the perfect beef counterpart for Samuel Adams Boston Lager. The partnership between the brewers and Dickson, owner of Dickson’s Farmstand Meats in New York City, marks the first time a brewer and specialty meat purveyor have teamed up to design an original cut of beef.

CBB Recommends Separating Federation And NCBA

The Federation of State Beef Councils would continue to be a strong checkoff entity but would be free from the influence of any policy organization if it were a separate entity from the National Cattlemens Beef Association (NCBA). Thats the conclusion of a recommendation from the Cattlemens Beef Board (CBB) Executive Committee this week.