The Next Big Food Scare: Meat Prices

Year after year, the media is ready to report and consumers and ready to believe the latest food scare story. This years scare story is already beginning to simmer and promises to boil over this summer. This summers big food story will be the price of meat, particularly the price of beef.

Shoppers Turning From Supermarkets To Family Farms For Fresh Meat

With growing evidence of food-borne illness, chronic disease and environmental degradation not to mention growing waist lines documented on the news, in books and movies like 2008s Oscar-nominated Food Inc., more parents are giving their children a taste of life on the farm.

Fenway Frank Maker Postpones Production

Chelsea meat purveyor Kayem Foods Inc. halted production yesterday, among the first of many area businesses expected to be affected by a break in a pipe that pumps water to the greater Boston area.

Bulls Going “Whole Hog” Into Lean Hog Futures!

Speculators have gone “Hog Wild” as Lean Hog futures continue their bull run. Since major lows were made back in August of last year at just under $44.00 per hundredweight, front month Lean Hog futures prices have nearly doubled in price.

Don’t Look Now, But Meat Prices Likely To Get Beefy

Meat eaters had one reason to appreciate the recession: Prices for beef and pork remained low.