Western Beef & Seafood & Boys & Girls Club Of Fullerton Striving To Create Accolades For Kids & Community

August 23, 2010 Western Beef & Seafood

Most recently, Western Beef & Seafood, LLC was able to assist the Boy’s & Girl’s club of Fullerton. Their goal: To provide quality educational and recreational programs to Fullerton’s youth in a positive and safe environment. Lately, they were able to assist the Boys & Girls Club of Fullerton by contributing a large chest freezer full of USDA prime steaks to a raffle, of which the proceeds directly benefited the club. Now, the company is teaming up once again with the club to aid in a planned holiday fundraising with food event.

Slovacek Sausage Achieves ‘Bullet Proof’ Traceability With SG Systems

August 20, 2010 SG Systems

Slovacek Sausage, Snook, TX, specialize in the manufacture of upmarket sausage & bacon products to many of the major US retailers. This report is about how Slovacek have used the Vantage Inventory, Formula Control and Finished Product Tracking Solution to go above and beyond the FDA Traceability requirement.

Lobel’s Prime Meats & Weber Grills Team Up To Give Meadowlands Sports Fans Gourmet Tailgating Experience

August 20, 2010 Weber-Stephen Products Co.

Sports fans and tailgaters attending NFL games at the recently completed $1.6 billion New Meadowlands Stadium have direct access to authentic gourmet tailgating food plus a real tailgating experiencenot only within the Stadium’s gates but also outside in the parking lotbecause of an innovative joint venture between Weber Grills and Lobel’s Prime Meats.

On The Road With The 2010 National Beef Ambassadors

August 20, 2010 The Beef Checkoff

We recently caught up with the 2010 checkoff-funded National Beef Ambassador team and spoke with three of this years Ambassadors: Malorie Bankhead from California, Becky Vraspir (v-ras-peer) from Wyoming and Jackson Alexander from Oklahoma. They gave us an update on where their travels have taken them in the past few months and where theyre headed in an effort to educate youth and consumers about the benefits of beef.

Pat La Frieda Meats To Debut August 23 On ShopNBC

August 20, 2010 Designers Management Agency

Celebrated Manhattan-based butcher Pat La Frieda is scheduled to appear on ShopNBC (www.shopnbc.com), the premier lifestyle brand in multi-media retailing. The premiere of Pat La Frieda Meats, which will be the first national roll-out of the product to the general public, will occur on Monday, August 23 at 7pm ET and on Tuesday, August 24 at 2pm ET.