Weis Markets Offers Holiday Gift Idea

August 24, 2010 The Beef Checkoff

Around the holidays, everyone is making their lists and checking them twice and searching for the perfect gifts. Weis Markets, a retail chain with 164 stores in PA, MD, NJ, NY and WV, gave their customers a great gift option they could simply order during a grocery shopping trip, no extra shopping needed!

Symposium Targets Economics Of Meeting Quality Beef Demand

The economic evidence says there’s profit to be made for cattlemen who understand what consumers want. A symposium at the recent Agriculture and Applied Economics Association meeting in Denver examined trends that document a desire for high-quality beef.

Cutout Value Jumps, Placements Down

Grocery store beef prices dropped a bit in July, but were still above year-earlier levels. The average price of choice beef at retail was $4.444 per pound in July, down 4.7 cents from June, but up 26.5 cents from 12 months earlier. June 2010 beef prices were the highest since October 2008. The higher beef prices are caused in large part by a very tight beef supply. USDA is forecasting 2010 per capita beef consumption will be the lowest since 1952.

Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation, New Company Profile Published

August 23, 2010 Companies and Markets.com

Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation – SWOT Analysis company profile is the essential source for top-level company data and information. The report examines the companys key business structure and operations, history and products, and provides summary analysis of its key revenue lines and strategy.

Baconfest 2010 Sizzles

In a land that celebrates wine, salmon and microbrew, it came to pass that on Saturday it was bacon’s turn to belly up to the gastro-festival bar.