The Beef Checkoff Spotlights Retailers

September 16, 2010 The Beef Checkoff

In the monthly e-newsletter Retail Beef Blast, we often highlight a retailer who has made a special effort to keep the focus on beef in the meat case.

Eating Meat Doesn’t Necessarily Heat Up The Climate

September 15, 2010 Chuck Wooster, The Times Argus

The ethical debates between vegetarians and meat-eaters arent likely to be resolved anytime soon. But theres a new twist to the vegetarian argument that bears examination: the suggestion that eating meat contributes to global warming.

3 Nebraska Meatpackers Face Trials Over Worker Pay

Three Nebraska meatpackers are headed to trials over how they pay their workers.

Customer Handouts From The Beef Checkoff Program

September 15, 2010 The Beef Checkoff

Getting all the right information to your customers can be a challenge. To help you communicate with your customers, we’ve developed customer handouts that allow you to serve them better by providing timely information to address their needs.

This Is One Manner Of Making Sausage That’s Worth A Look

September 15, 2010 Brian O'Neill, The Post Gazette

The Ricci family has been making sausage for 65 years, and for the past four of those years they’ve been turning out about 1,000 pounds a day from a little shop on Steubenville Pike in Robinson. There, customers are invited to watch.