Certified Angus Beef Brand Honors Sales, Marketing Leaders

October 25, 2010 Certified Angus Beef LLC

Demand for premium beef continues to grow, thanks in part to restaurateurs, retailers and suppliers who are committed to offering customers only the best. This passion was noted as the Certified Angus Beef brand recognized business leaders for sales, marketing and commitment to integrity at its 2010 annual conference in Puerto Rico. The leadership of these companies, combined with growing consumer demand, has set the stage for the brand to hit record sales this year, nearing three-quarters of a billion pounds.

Beef Quality Summit Is A Success

Members of the OCA Cattlemen’s Leadership Academy attended the Oklahoma Beef Quality Summit earlier this week. The Beef Quality Summit is hosted by the Food and Agricultural Products Center at Oklahoma State University, coordinated by the Oklahoma Beef Council and is funded with beef check-off dollars.

Grain Vs Grass Equation May Solve US Cattle Riddle

The rate of placements of cattle on US feedlots has slowed from a four-year high, data on Friday is expected to show but by how much may depend on farmers’ reaction to soaring corn prices at a time of readily available grass.

Taylor’s Market Handles The Hog

Taylor Market butcher Danny Johnson confidently surveyed half of a 160-pound pig as it was laid out before him and some 30 participants at the markets Butchering – 101 class.

Record High Retail Protein Price Average

Retail protein prices have risen throughout 2010 reaching what we believe to be a record high for the beef, pork and chicken average.