In Tough Economic Times, Avoid The Spike In Fraud Claims

Sadly, data show that this same troubled economic environment can also trigger a
spike in potentially fraudulent claims filed by employees, customers or the
general public at large. How might your floral business be a target for opportunistic fraud?

Organic Bouquet Floral Provider Of 2010 BCS National Championship Party

January 12, 2010 Organic Bouquet, has been named the official eco-floral provider for the 2010 BCS National Championship Party, providing certified sustainable flowers for the event held January 6th in Pasadena, CA.

Colombian Roses Lost In Frost

Freezing temperatures in Colombia have had a devastating impact on roses that are exported to the United States for Valentine’s Day.

US House Votes To Extend The Expiring AGOA

January 8, 2010 The Daily Nation

Kenyan flower exporters get a reprieve after the U.S. extended trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). AGOA provides duty-free treatment for nearly 6,500 items from Kenya including cut flowers.

Orchids: This Flower’s No Diva

Orchids also have a reputation as finicky plants that need special treatment. Not so.