New Law Removes Thorn From Side Of MN Florists

For years, florists have grumbled that a good portion of their hard-earned profits are going to “floral gatherers” and “call centers” that advertise in printed directories such as the Yellow Pages or White Pages as local shops but in fact aren’t.

Shipment Of Flowers Fumigated After Mother’s Day Celebration

Mother’s Day celebration left a seizure of flowers in banned in the United States with the detection of a plague in a shipment of lisianthus.

Cuba Hopes To Export Flowers

Cuban specialists expressed their will to turn the country into an exporter of flowers, a product that used to be exported to the United States before 1959, it was reported to the press during the FLORIMAT 2010 First National Workshop, being held in the western city of Matanzas.

Society Of American Florists Sees Retailer Stake In Wall St. Plan

The Society of American Florists was among 11 business trade organizations that signed a letter to the Senate Wednesday supporting the Republican plan.

Manatee Floral Gladiolus Farm Fights Third Bout Of African Fungus

An African fungus has struck a local gladiolus farm yet again, but the economic damage wont be as severe this time.