The Balloon That May Save Kabloom

In a state where cutting-edge products are more likely to involve biotechnology drugs, Rock Band video games, or robots that vacuum living rooms, the Moses Miracle doesnt seem like much of a technology stretch. At first glance, it looks like a glorified water balloon that has been tightly cinched around a bouquets stems. And thats pretty much what it is.

Bouquet Basics And Trends

Since ancient times, brides have been carrying fragrant bouquets of flowers as they walk down the aisle. In the Greek tradition, tying together bundles of herbs and special flowers was believed to keep the bride safe from harm, giving her a long and happy marriage.

Handsome But Not Ostentatious, Astrantia Beckons Quietly

Maybe it’s an aging thing, this disenchantment with ostentatious beauty, but humbler flowers increasingly look better all the time.

Floralife Clear Professional 2X ULTRA Flower Food

July 16, 2010 Floralife

Two times more concentrated than Floralife Clear Professional flower food, new 2X ULTRA flower food has more active ingredients in every drop.

Black Velvet Petunia Wins Medal Of Excellence Award

Greenhouse Grower magazine names the world’s only black petunia as the Industry’s Choice winner.