Tulip Breeders Develop Bigger, Tougher Lilies

Dutch bulb breeders have shifted their intense focus from spring-blooming tulips to lilies, a genus whose bloom times span early spring to late summer. The first fruits of their efforts are available in goodly supply from specialty retailers, whose fall catalogs are showing up now in mailboxes and online.

Announcing PRO Institute Des Moines, A Floral Postharvest & Marketing Program

Perishables Research Organization is pleased to announce PRO Institute Des Moines, designed to share the floral expertise of mass marketers, florists, growers (bedding, potted, and cuts), importers, bouquet suppliers, breeders, associations, transportation firms, cooler companies, educators, wholesalers, and dry good suppliers with the research findings and experiences of Dr. George Staby, President, Perishables Research Organization and Dr. Michelle Jones, Associate Professor, Ohio State University.

Worldwide Brant Florist Blossoms With FTD Top 100 Honors

August 4, 2010 Brant Florist

Brant Florist, is a leading family run, online and retail shop florist that now boasts FTD top 100 club status for the sixteenth consecutive year running. Since 1977 and in alliance with FTD, the Bolt family have independently owned and operated the successful retail shop and with great foresight introduced the companys online web business in 1996.

Dainty Orchids Can Be Tough Guys, Too

When people think of orchids, they usually picture beautiful tropical flowers that can be difficult to care for and require special conditions. Although that may be true of some species, there are many orchids that require little or no care and can be hardy additions to any garden or landscape.

Baby Shower? Bring Gorgeous Flowers

August 4, 2010 Staff Reporter, Teleflora

If you are planning on attending a baby shower this summer, consider bringing a gift bouquet.