Florist Best Marketing Practice – Focus On The Future

Marketing to children is important to the future of the traditional retail floral industry. If florists do not stay in front of young people, children won’t know what a florist does. It’s important to think about how to keep kids knowing the services that florist provide.

Standing Orders Now Available For The 2010/2011 Season From Flower

August 19, 2010 Flower

If you value your time and like the convenience of pre-ordering your products and if you repeatedly require certain products of the same quantity each week… then Standing Orders are right for your business.

Autumn Flowers To Celebrate The Change Of Seasons

For those who are feeling bogged down by these last few muggy summer days, autumn flowers can provide a much needed pick-me-up.

California Releases Nursery Industry’s Economic Impact Stats

The latest year’s economic data for the nursery industry have been compiled and released by Dr. Hoy Carman, Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Resource Economics at University of California-Davis. It reveals that the combined onslaught of drought, recession, the housing slump, and regulatory measures hit the industry hard. Here are key highlights drawn from the report:

Kenya Flower Growers Step Up Branding, Look To U.S. For New Markets

Local flower producers have stepped up the branding of their produce, raising the stakes in their long running bid to wrestle control of the multi-million export industry from the financially muscled Dutch auctions. The branding drive seeks to leverage the unique qualities of Kenyas naturally nurtured flowers in the hope of creating direct linkages to new markets such as US, Russia, Japan and Middle East.