Dahlia Festival In Bloom At VA Grower Wollam Gardens

Spread over about 12 rolling acres, proprietor Bob Wollam and a staff of about 12 grow about 80 types of flowers, shrubs and ornamental plants. “I grow things that people don’t consider a good cut flower,” Wollam said, citing Korean mountain ash and viburnum as examples.

Estimated US$3.2 Billion Being Invested In Africa’s Airports

Despite the recent global economic crisis and its impact on the aviation industry, the long-term nature of many airport projects continues to buoy up the aviation sector. Africa and the Middle East are currently at the forefront of these developments.

Indoor Plant Industry Going Green

September 1, 2010 Gary Pinnell, Highlands Today

Be nice to that yellow, underwatered ivy. It’s improving your air quality. And it might even make you happier.

Aris Adds New Greenhouses And Consolidates In Florida

August 31, 2010 Aris Horticulture, Inc.

Aris Horticulture, Inc. is consolidating its two (Keepsake Plants) Florida production facilities and constructing 239,580 square feet of new greenhouses at the Fort Myers facilities.

Oregon Florist Offers Free Roses

Hoping to spread goodwill and collect food for local food banks a Southern Oregon florist plans to give away 10,000 roses on Wednesday.