Entry Deadline Approaching For SAMMY Awards Scholarship

There’s only one month left to apply for the 2010 Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year (SAMMY) Awards for the chance for high school seniors to win a $7,500 scholarship for college.

Farmer’s Cow Prepares To Expand Product Line To Ice Cream

Farmer’s Cow has Connecticut residents who love to buy local looking forward to summer. The Eastern Connecticut dairy cooperative expects to begin making ice cream by
Memorial Day.

Two Promoted At Sargento

Ms. Kristi Jankowski has been named senior vice-president of innovation, and Rod Hogan was promoted to vice-president of new business development.

Seeking Savings, Some Ditch Brand Loyalty

Many shoppers are finding that shredded cheddar and milk peddled under store labels cost up to 40 percent less and often taste just as good as nationally known brands.

Cheese Of The Month: Scharfe Maxx

Scharfe Maxx is a Swiss knockout from Studer Dairy near the Bodensee on the Swiss-German border.