Lunchables Giving Kids A Chance To Lunch, Roar & Score

February 8, 2010 Kraft Foods

Lunchables Lunch Combinations, together with Animal Planet and Jeff Corwin are giving aspiring naturalists a chance to get an up close and personal look at the animal kingdom.

How Consumers Choose Functional Yogurt

When it comes to consumer preference for functional yogurt, it’s not all about product flavor and other sensory attributes of the yogurt.

Maine Senate Gives Final OK To Milk Fee Changes

The Maine Senate has given its final approval to a bill to adjust Maine’s milk handling fees to help farmers cope with the rising costs of production.

Creme Fraiche: Like Sour Cream, But Better

Pronounced “krem fresh,” it is lightly fermented heavy cream. It is kind of like
sour cream, but not as thick and more sharp than sour, with a slightly nutty
flavor and a silky, rich texture.

Raw Milk Testing In Framingham Goes Too Far?

Last week the Massachusetts Board of Health came out with what might be the toughest set of regulations regarding the sale of raw milk in the state, stopping Doug Stephan’s launch of a raw milk operation.