Raw Milk Issue Spills Into Courts And State Capitols

Debate about the health attributes and risks of raw milk is
spilling into statehouses and courtrooms across the country as proponents of
unpasteurized dairy products push to make them easier for consumers to buy.

Experts: Lactose Intolerance Misunderstood, ‘Gaps’ Found

February 25, 2010 Rita Rubin, USA Today

Many Americans avoid dairy products, an important source of calcium, vitamin
D and other nutrients, because they mistakenly think they’re lactose intolerant, but solid estimates of the prevalence of lactose intolerance are lacking.

Do Your Body Good: Drink Milk

Milk is our best source of calcium. Even though some plant foods, such as beans, have more calcium per ounce, the calcium in plants is bound into insoluble compounds while the calcium in milk is completely available to our bodies.

Pouring Out A New Look For Milk

Earlier this month, Straus Family Creamery put a new kind of bottle in the milk
case, one that combines a stiff paper shell with a thin plastic pouch inside.

Lenten Indulgences Include Gourmet Grilled Cheese

For those Lenten observers who seek a meat alternative, there’s cheese. Make that
grilled cheese. Crisp, brown and oozing with American cheese, the grilled cheese
sandwich is a delicacy in my opinion, especially when served with tomato soup.