Gelato Is A Fine Italian Art

Gelato is made from milk and not cream, and, in a nutshell, is slowly cooked with flavorings like fresh fruit, nut pastes or chocolate, creating a rich, deep and dense frozen concoction. It is creamier and has half the fat of ice cream, and is infinitely more delicious.

Maggie Jimenez Milks The Moment As New Milk Mustache Celebrity

Mexican TV host, chef and mom, Maggie Jimenez partnered with the
Hispanic ‘got milk?’ campaign to encourage Hispanic moms to ‘milk the moment’ by
setting the dinner table with milk. Debuting in the next milk mustache ad
alongside her daughters, Maggie hopes to show Latina moms how easy it is to help
strengthen families by setting the table with milk.

Dean Foods Converts Schepps To Oak Farms Brand In Houston

March 3, 2010 Dean Foods Company

This month, Dean Foods Company (NYSE: DF) begins converting its
Schepps dairy product line to the Oak Farms brand in the Houston area. The move
allows the company to build upon the Oak Farms strong local brand presence.

Want To Eat Local? BYU Student’s Site Tracks Milk’s Origins

Thanks to a BYU student’s new Web site, consumers can now discover that
their butter was churned in Idaho, their sour cream created in Pennsylvania and
their milk milked in Utah.

Univeristy Of California Davis Event Pairs Beer, Cheese

Beer lovers have for too long watch as their foods get paired with wine. But an event called “Beer Loves Cheese: Mastering the Marriage” on Saturday at University of California, Davis should keep them from crying in their glass of Hefeweizen.