Old Home Foods Launches Safflower Power Yogurt

February 17, 2010 Old Home Foods

Minnesota-based Old Home Foods is introducing Safflower Power,
the first yogurt in the United States to have Clarinol CLA (Conjugated Linoleic
Acid) derived from natural safflower oil

Jelinski Accepts Government Affairs Director Position With DBA

February 17, 2010 Dairy Business Association

The Dairy Business Association recently announced Dave Jelinski as the new Government Affairs Director for the Association.

Milk Fee Hike Passes Kansas Senate

The Kansas Senate expanded the volume of dairy industry fees Monday by adopting a bill intended to raise enough money to continue an inspection program required to ship Grade A milk to other states.

WI State Crackdown On Raw Milk Sale Stirs Protest

A crackdown on raw milk sales has drawn criticism from a legislator and a local
sheriff who say the state has been too rough on family farms that sell
unpasteurized dairy products.

Kosher Cheeses See Impressive Growth Rate

February 16, 2010 Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board

Wisconsin cheesemakers are embracing kosher standards for a growing number of products.