Wisconsin Rep. Danou Already Calling For Veto Override On Raw Milk

One of the co-sponsors of the raw milk bill says he’s so passionate about the issue that he may try to organize an override of Governor Jim Doyle’s veto of the measure. Rep. Chris Danou blamed ‘special interests’ for convincing the governor that the dairy industry and overall health of Wisconsin citizens would be at risk if unpasteurized milk was allowed to be sold directly to consumers.

Try New Breyer’s Ice Cream Flavors With Walmart May 22nd

May 21, 2010 Walmart

At participating Walmart locations this weekend come and have a free ice cream sundae* with Breyers new and exclusive flavors, and Blue Bunny Premium Ice Cream and new All Natural Frozen Yogurt topped with Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup, Reddi-wip, and Fresh Strawberries.

Free Ice Cream! Ben & Jerry’s Truck Coming To Town

Free Ice Cream!The dairy dessert do-gooders will send a truck onto the streets for six weeks starting Monday to give away free ice cream in honor of the silver anniversary of the company’s “New York Super Fudge Chunk.”Ben & Jerry’s Truck Coming to Town

Doyle Vetoes Raw Milk Bill, Rep. Danou Says Corporate Interests Won

Citing concern for public health and the state’s dairy industry, Gov. Jim Doyle vetoed a bill Wednesday that would have regulated the sale of unpasteurized milk. State Rep. Chris Danou, one of the bill’s cosponsors, said he was disappointed and blamed a “well coordinated insider campaign against the bill.”

Dairy Price Stabilization Introduced To Congress

A bill designed to stabilize dairy prices and control the growth of dairy farms that want to expand has officially been introduced to Congress.