Pumpkin Shortage Imperils Holiday Pies

A major supplier has said that heavy Midwestern rains have destroyed much of the U.S.
pumpkin crop, putting pumpkin pies in short supply on supermarket shelves.

Fresh & Easy Issues Allergy Alert On Pumpkin Cheesecake Pies

November 20, 2009 FDA

Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market is voluntarily recalling some fresh&easy “Pumpkin Cheesecake Pies” because they may contain undeclared pecans. Customers may return the unused product, empty product containers or present the receipt as proof of purchase for a full refund.

Recession No Match For Sadie Rose Bakery

November 19, 2009 Sadie Rose Baking Company

Sadie Rose Baking Companys strong growth has allowed it to undertake a four-fold expansion of its baking operations. Their new facility will allow them to continue serving hundreds of fine restaurants, hotels and specialty markets throughout Southern California with its diverse range of artisan breads.

Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 Fortification Associated With Increased Risk of Cancer

November 18, 2009 Staff Reporter, Science Daily

A study published in the November JAMA says that since 1998, many countries, including the United States, have implemented mandatory folic acid fortification of flour and grain products to reduce the risk of neural-tube birth defects. Recently, concerns have emerged about the safety of folic acid, in particular with respect to cancer risk.

PETA Rallies Members to Protest Schwebel’s Support of Ringling

November 18, 2009 PETA

PETA is rallying its forces against Schwebels Baking Co. after learning of their promotional partnership.