ABA Applauds First Lady’s Initiative To Combat Childhood Obesity

The American Bakers Association expressed support for the initiative’s multi-prong approach and singled out public education for particular emphasis. Association President Robb MacKie pointed out that grain foods occupy an important position at the base of USDA’s Food Guide Pyramid.

Can Eating Cookies Help You Lose Weight?

February 10, 2010 Stephany Fisher, CBS Atlanta

An Atlanta woman, Beverly Smith, reported that she’d lost nearly 50 pounds in six months. And she says she did it by eating cookies. In Smith’s case, the proof is in the cookie, or specifically, Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet.

Ukrop’s Sale Won’t Affect Famed Bakery Items

With Ukrop’s Super Markets sale complete, many things are due to change. Baked goods, however, including Ukrop’s famed White House Rolls, and prepared foods will continue to be sold to Ahold under a new venture that the Ukrop family will operate.

Layered Gels May Help Sugar Reduction

By controlling the distribution of sugar in a gelled product, the overall sugar concentration may be lowered without affecting the perceived sweetness, says a new study from Sweden.

Saline, MI Baking Supplies Company Captures A Bigger Slice Of Market

February 9, 2010 Julie Edgar, Ann Arbor.com

An expansion of its brick-and-mortar operation and strong online retail sales have
doubled revenues over the past four years for this baking supplies business.