Will Cupcake Craze See A Crash? Sprinkles, Undaunted, Hits Chicago In May

Candace and Charles Nelson, former investment bankers and owners of the Beverly Hills bake shop Sprinkles, The Original Cupcake Bakery, are opening their first Midwest retail location in May. But some wonder whether the cupcake craze will go the way of the dot.com and housing bubbles.

Winn-Dixie Announces Food Recovery Program

March 24, 2010 Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc.

Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. announced today the complete roll out of its Food Recovery Program, which provides perishable items to local Feeding America affiliate food banks in the companys five-state operating area. Average donations of usable food
in similar programs across the country range between 250 and 300 pounds each
week per store, including foods like bread, meats, cheeses, bagged fruits and
vegetables, gelatin desserts, and sandwiches.

Delaware Food: Easter Table’s Treats

If cookies go hand in hand at Christmas, then Easter is the time for sweet
breads and buns, and hot cross buns are one of the holiday’s best known treats.

Great Purple Cupcake Project Raises Epilepsy Awareness

This week, bakeries across the United States are cooking up
purple cupcakes in an effort to increase awareness about epilepsy nationwide.
The Great Purple Cupcake Project is an initiative of The Anita Kaufmann
Foundation — an American epilepsy education organization and the US Sponsor of
Purple Day for epilepsy awareness.

CSM Finalizes Acquisition Of Best Brands In The US

March 23, 2010 CSM

CSM today announces that it has completed the acquisition of Best Brands, one
of the largest premium bakery manufacturers in the US, effective as of March 19,
2010. The acquisition of Best Brands creates the undisputed market leader in the
North American bakery supplies market.