Matzo, Symbol Of Passover

It’s flat and crunchy and, this time of year, ubiquitous in Jewish
households. Matzo is perhaps the most symbolic food consumed during the week of
Passover, this year beginning at sunset Monday.

Panera Gets Ahead Of Menu Nutrition Requirement

Panera Bread is the first nationwide restaurant chain to voluntarily post
calorie information on its menu boards at its company-owned outlets, positioning
itself ahead of the pack in complying with a requirement in the newly signed
health-care law.

Seaweed Fiber: The Newest Key Ingredient To Weight Loss?

The latest and greatest use of seaweed is the fibrous alginate extracted from sea kelp, which can be added to everyday products such as bread, and reduce fat absorption in the body by 75 percent.

IRI: Arnold Select Sandwich Thins 3rd Most Successful New Brand Of ’09

The most successful new consumer packaged goods (CPG) food and
beverage brands and non-food brands of 2009 were released today by Information
Resources, Inc. (IRI) at its Summit 2010: Reinventing CPG & Retail Conference. By total one-year dollar sales Arnold Select Sandwich Thins came in at number three on IRI’s list.

Whole Foods Market Expands Kosher Selection In Time For Passover

March 24, 2010 Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market has expanded its line of
kosher food products in all U.S. locations, making it easy for families
preparing this year’s Passover celebrations. In addition to kosher turkey and
chicken, Whole Foods Market offers kosher for Passover matzo, cake mixes and