House Passes Health Care Reform Bill Detrimental To The Baking Industry

The American Bakers Association has identified several areas in which the Health Care Reform bill, which passed in the House of Representatives, can negatively impact bakers and the baking industry.

Great Market Growth Expected For Anti-Aging Snacks

Researchers with Leatherhead Food Research claim that, to date, commercial product activity in food and drinks that prevent or reduce age-related disease has been fairly imited, but they note relatively high levels of activity in cookies and snacks, even if the market remains small and fragmented.

Low-Carb Diets Making Us Angry Study Says

November 10, 2009 Simeon Bennett, Bloomberg

A study of 106 overweight or obese people in Australia found those on the
low-fat diet, which included bread, pasta and rice, were less angry, depressed
and confused after one year than those who ate fewer carbs and more meat and
dairy products, according to the study published today in the journal Archives
of Internal Medicine.

Tortilla Maker Mission Foods Beefs Up New Brighton Plant

The largest manufacturer of refrigerated tortillas in the country, is expanding its tortilla plant in New Brighton, MN by 45,000 square feet and will be used for additional dry and refrigerated product storage. Information Resources Inc. indicate Mission is by far the top-selling tortilla brand in the country.

National Bread Month Celebrate the Good Nutrition of Grains for the Holidays

In celebration of National Bread Month and as we kick off the Holiday season, American Bakers Association (ABA) President and CEO Robb MacKie pointed recently to research in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association showing that people who eat a high percentage of carbohydrates tend to be slimmer than those who do not.