Egg Foam May Enhance Gluten-Free Sourdoughs

A new study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Egg white foam may boost gluten-free sourdoughs and enhance the structure of the resulting baked goods.

FDA’s Folic Acid Policy A Success, Report

A new study demonstrates that the FDA has scored a policy success through getting the dosage for folic acid fortification of flour right in the US.

Are The Oils Being Substituted For Trans Fats Healthy, Or Just Cheaper?

As California approaches the Jan. 1st trans fat ban for eateries, bakeries can still use trans fats and will not be required to stop using trans fats until 2011. The question is, will the oil substituted for trans fats be that much healthier?

February 14th Deadline For IDDBA 15th Annual Cake Decorating Challenge

Store-level decorators have until February 14th to enter for the opportunity to create show-stopping displays that promote their artistic abilities and show off the talent and hard
work that sells cakes for their companies at the Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar and Expo.

Bread As A Natural Dietary Source Of Vitamin D

Baked foods become a significant source of the ‘sunshine vitamin’ when using bakers yeast made naturally high in vitamin D.