California Trans-Fat Ban Off To A Slow Start

Welcome to the front lines in a public war on bad-for-you fats. Call them the trans-fat fuzz, the posse of partial hydrogenation. Martin Sum and his Contra Costa County colleagues are out to enforce a new statewide ban on trans fats in food facilities.

2010 Pinpoint U.S. Counties Consumer Spending Food Cereals & Baked Goods

April 12, 2010 Research & Markets

The 2010 Pinpoint-U.S. Counties-Consumer Spending-Food-Cereals and Baked Goods report, published annually, provides 2010 consumer spending by 3,100+ U.S. counties. The consumer spending data categories include: total consumer spending, food at home, cereal products, and baked goods.

General Mills Sees Baking Sales Rise After 33% Media Spending Boost

The marketer of Cheerios, Pillsbury, Yoplait and Betty Crocker has become a stalwart of the Great Recession, thanks to increased spending, but also product innovation and its ability to capitalize on the trend toward in-home eating. General Mills’ baking segment, which includes Pillsbury and Betty Crocker, posted a 1% sales increase for the first nine months of fiscal 2010.

Specialty Bakeries Looking To Stay Relevant In Not-So-Sweet Economy

Part of it is the nature of the business, but bakeries also are experiencing the economic downturn along with the rest of the food industry. And for a “boutique” bakery like Tasty Pastries, it takes even more effort to ride out the storm.

End Of The Line For Bakery Supplier Rich Products Production Plant

April 12, 2010 Maria Sisti, WGRZ Buffalo

The last of Rich Products manufacturing operations in Buffalo will end sometime this summer. The announcement is the last piece of a downsizing plan for the facility announced over five years ago.