Whole Grains Month Catches On Everywhere

Four years ago, when we proposed the creation of Whole Grains Month, we had no idea that it would resonate so completely with so many people and organizations. Who would have thought that the world was just waiting for us to organize this month-long extravaganza?

This September is the fourth annual celebration of Whole Grains Month, and – just 9 days in – it’s a kick to see where observation of this event is turning up. We'll admit Hallmark hasn't come out with Happy Whole Grains Month greeting cards yet (that's a hint for next year, Hallmark) but that's about the only thing missing. Here's a sampling:

Bloggers Galore

Bloggers are spreading the word virally, with more than a dozen piling on to date. For example, Emily, a high school teacher who blogs at Relishments, wrote enthusiastically, “I’m pretty sure they picked September as a month-long birthday present to me.” She went on to say our website inspired her to try cooking with our Grain of the Month each month. At Just the Right Byte, Jill Castle, an RD specializing in pediatric nutrition, shared a great selection of whole grain tips for kids, including our buckwheat fudgesicle recipe. Lyssie and Tammy, RDs and sisters who write as The Nutrition Twins, introduced readers to the Whole Grain Stamp plus a lot of great information.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Oldways Preservation Trust/Whole Grains Council