Watson Introduces Edible Glitter Nature Colors

Watson Inc. introduces a line of Edible Glitter™ products to meet the growing demand for clean labeling for what is considered “natural” colors. Edible Glitter™ Nature Colors is made from gum arabic (the sap of the Acacia tree) and color. Watson uses colors from a wide range of sources, including cabbage juice, algae, carrots, radish, turmeric, and annatto.

Edible Glitter™ is used as a sprinkle, topping, or inclusion. Edible Glitter™ can be used in confectionery products, baked goods, frostings, or anywhere you want to add eye-catching color. Edible Glitter™Nature Color has the added benefit of being unflavored or flavor-neutral and containing no sugar, artificial sweeteners, fats, or hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Edible Glitter™ is a unique, light-weight flake that provides excellent coverage as a topping, allowing a 95% reduction in usage by weight (compared to typical sprinkles or “shots”). The light-weight flakes adhere readily to a variety of surfaces. In frosted baked goods, the amount of frosting required for adhesion of the topping can also be reduced substantially.

More information on our Edible Glitter™ Natural product line can be found here.

What is Clean Label?

There is really no firm definition for the term "clean label". Generally when consumers say they want clean label products, they are looking for products with ingredient statements that are short and simple. They are looking for words that are familiar to them, and that they associate with ingredients they would find in their own kitchens.

Sometimes advertisements for clean label products illustrate that an ingredient statement should be so simple that even a young child can read it easily.

Many consumers are also looking for products that are “free from” such things as artificial colors and flavorings.

Seizing the Market Opportunity

The consumer demand for clean label products and “free from” products has opened a door of opportunity. Consumers are looking for products they feel are safe and free of chemical-sounding ingredients, and are products that they can trust. Moreover, they still expect the same level of quality, flavor, and visual appeal.

This presents a challenge to the confectionery, food, beverage, and baking industries, but also a great opportunity to those who can reformulate to address these needs.

About Watson:

Watson is a pioneer in soluble and edible film technology. Our research and development on edible films started in 1960. By 1964, the original dedicated production facilities for the manufacture of edible films began construction. Watson now manufactures a full spectrum of colored glitter products using FD&C, non-FD&C, and EU colorants. Watson can also match a custom color using a Pantone system of color matching. Watson produces custom blends of colored glitter using up to five different colors. Watson has locations in West Haven CT, Orange CT, and Taylorville IL. www.watson-inc.com

Source: Watson