Sweden: Viasolde AB Announces Vitamin D Bread Is Coming

STOCKHOLM — Bread enriched with vitamin D will soon be available in retail. Treating the bread with light comparable to sunlight one can enrich it with vitamin D.

This method treating the already baked bread before the packaging process differs from the alternative method adding uv treated yeast to the dough. The Viasolde method produces 30% of RDI* (3.0 ug) and will always guarantee the consumer the exact amount of vitamin D in every loaf of bread.

Researchers from the Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg Sweden discovered the method around 10 years ago. After an application from Swedish Viasolde AB, EFSA has now assessed the method as safe for human consumption. A positive opinion from EFSA for the manufacturing method in which vitamin D is produced during the baking process can be a breakthrough for public health.

Bread – one of our most common food products

Provided that most people are high consumers of bread daily – it is one of the most common food products – bread enriched with vitamin D may enable us to secure the daily reference intake of this scarce nutrient, which is difficult to find in other foodstuff.

The annual consumption in Sweden is approximately 55kg/person, resulting at 150g/person/day. Average consumption per person in Europe is approx. 50 kg/year.


The need of added vitamin D has climbed in the past decades due to increasing time spent indoors and better protection towards sunlight. Vitamin D is a scarce nutrient but exist in fish oil, egg, dairy products, liver and in some vegetables and mushrooms.

A number of studies have shown that lack of vitamin D carries an increased risk of dementia, increased blood pressure, heart and cardiovascular diseases, MS disease, diabetes and colorectal cancer. Furthermore, vitamin D regulates calcium balance in bones and teeth as well as has an impact on muscle strength and body immune system. Research investigating the matter is extensive.

Huge social-economical wins

If the bread consumption stays at the same level than currently, enriching bread with vitamin D could reduce vitamin D deficiency and its consequences. The socioeconomic gains through reduced healthcare costs are difficult to estimate but they might be very high. Additionally, resources can be allocated elsewhere in the healthcare system instead.

Swedish Food Agency recommends increased intake of vitamin D

More and more scientific reports points towards increasing vitamin D consumption. Swedish Food Agency and corresponding authorities in Denmark, Norway and Finland published the new guidelines only in autumn 2013. Today is the recommended daily intake increase up to 10 micrograms for children and adults, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. For older than 75, the recommendation is doubled, 20 micrograms/day.

Big bakery prepared to begin production

One of Sweden’s biggest bakeries signed up early for Viasolde’s idea. They have installed specially designed equipment in one of their bakeries and is now waiting for the approval of manufacturing method which EFSA has now supported.

Researchers in Chalmers behind the patent

Method to produce bread with vitamin D through UV-light treatment was developed in the mid-2000’s by four researchers within the Institute for Food Science in Chalmers in Gothenburg Sweden. Method is based on treating the bread after the baking process is finished. Ergosterol in bread converts to vitamin D (ergocalciferol) in the outer parts of the bread. Method is patented and Viasolde AB owns the intellectual property rights.

Competitive industrial advantages for Viasolde

Viasolde’s method has many advantages. It is simple, cost-effective and assured for high quality. Therefore, it is well suited for industrial production. Process can be precised to assure that each batch contains an exact amount of vitamin D at all times. The alternative method cannot be standardised in a similar manner.

The amount of vitamin D per 100g bread is also double as much, 3.0 micrograms or 30% of RDI*, in bread that has undergone Viasolde’s process compared with the alternative method (1.5 micrograms) or 15% of RDI*.

*RDI=Recommended Daily Intake

–   The statement from the EFSA for our new production method, in which yeast ergosterol converts into vitamin D without any added ingredients, is a proof that the method meets all the safety requirements, says Viasolde’s CEO Matz Bengtson.

Large markets for vitamin D bread to become a standard

Industrial advantages Viasolde’s method has means that bakeries can now offer true added value in bread to consumers.

The advantages in combination with the importance of vitamin D for public health that has been highlighted in the recent years and recommended increase in intake from authorities’ side makes Viasolde to believe that demand for vitamin D bread will be remarkable.

–   I believe we will see a strong interest. Almost all bakeries are likely to start selling vitamin D bread. It will become a standard within the sector, says Matz Bengtson.

  Background facts:

Viasolde AB is a start-up which is now close to its commercial breakthrough. The company was established 2008 with the aim to drive patent- and application processes for EU-authorisation for the new production method.

The business model consist of Viasolde delivering the complete set of UV light equipment for bakeries. Viasolde takes care of maintenance, adjustments and control of the equipment.

EFSA, (European Food Safety Authority) assessed 2015-06-12 that Viasolde’s novel baking process is safe.

Food Regulation: To ensure the safety, each novel food product or process needs to comply with the Novel Food Regulation 258/97/EC and Food Safety Legislation 78/2002/EC. Viasolde’s products are compliant with both.

Further questions should be addressed to:

Matz Bengtson: 0046 701902108 or by mail: matz@d-bread.com (matz@viasolde.com)

Lars Lindqvist: 0046 705411201 or by mail: lars@d-bread.com

Other information: www.d-bread.com

Recommendations in Sweden regarding D- vitamin are answered by Livsmedelsverket, 0046 18 17 55 00

Source: Viasolde AB