Snack Food Association Announces Food Safety Webinar

Aggressive Control Measures for a Wily Pathogen: Salmonella in Low-Moisture

A two-part webinar designed to help food manufacturers prevent the contamination
of salmonella in low-moisture ready-to-eat products such as certain snack foods
will be held April 6 and April 7, 11 a.m. 12:30 p.m. both days.

Brought to you by SFA in cooperation with the Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA),
the webinar is designed to serve as a medium for sharing the collective industry
expertise for the identification of risk factors associated with salmonella

Webinar participants will hear from industry experts regarding:

Preventing ingress or spread of Salmonella in the processing facility;

Applying hygienic design principles to building and equipment design;

Enhancing stringency of hygiene practices and controls in the Primary
Salmonella Control Area;

Preventing or minimizing growth of Salmonella within the facility;

Establishing a raw materials/ingredients control program;

Validating control measures to inactivate Salmonella;

Establishing procedures for verification of Salmonella controls and corrective

For more information, please contact SFAs Chris Clark at 703-836-4500, ext.
218, or

Source: Snack Food