As a born and bred Jewish New Yorker, I recently satisfied my craving for rye bread by exploring six East Bay bakeries. But with Passover over, I decided to cross the bridge to see what kind of rye San Francisco had to offer. During this bread adventure, I found four more guide-worthy bakeries making quality loaves.
Having lived half my life in the Bay Area, I've developed a California conscience about knowing where my food comes from. And, in my quest for satisfying my appetite, it has become equally important to know the best business practices of companies supplying products I crave, and ultimately purchase.
So, in searching for rye bread, besides taste, texture, and loaf longevity; I also wanted to know about the bakeries choices regarding: source and quality of ingredients, environmentally-conscious production processes, benefits for employees and hiring practices, community involvement, and altruistic endeavors. My intention was to not only satisfy my yen but to also support local bakeries doing the right thing.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: KQED