Puratos: The Essential Bread – Episode Two

Bread and cereals are fundamental: they are at the base of most food pyramids. In other words bread belongs to the family of foods that need to form a major part of a balanced diet.

Bread, definitely a healthy food to be promoted!

Indeed bread has undeniable nutritional qualities that make it suitable for a healthy diet. Unfortunately, its benefits are too often unknown by both consumers and health professionals.
What about you? What do you know about bread & nutrition?

Why bread is so good?

Bread is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates (50%) and is low in fat (1-2%). This is perfectly in line with dietary guidelines that recommend increased intake of complex carbohydrates and reduced intake of fat. Specifically, in a balanced diet, carbohydrates should provide more than half the energy requirement, mainly in the form of complex carbohydrates.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Puratos