Puratos Cake Symposium Scheduled For July 25th In Boston

When? Friday, July 25, 2014

Sheraton Boston Hotel
39 Dalton Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
United States

More information

Based on the success of the first Cake Symposium, it was deemed important to also provide a forum in North America where researchers and technologists can share recent progress and insights in the broad area of cakes. Therefore, we are very pleased to announce that KU Leuven and Umass Amherst are able to gather some of the most internationally recognized scientists, with expertise in the complex world of cakes, for the second international Cake Symposium in Boston. The event will explore a varied scientific program which is endorsed by AACC International (www.aaccnet.org), LFoRCe (www.lforce.kuleuven.be) and Puratos (www.puratos.com).

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Puratos