Progress Through Partnerships: Collaborations To Build The Workforce

Dawn Foods Foundation recently awarded a grant in the amount of $17,439.30 to the Moberly Area Community College Foundation. Pictured above is Frank Shipley, Dawn Foods Mexico Plant Manager and Dr. Jeff Lashley, MACC President. 

The award will be used to purchase start-up equipment for a skills training lab in order to add a training program at the MACC Mexico campus. Mechatronics, an advanced manufacturing training program, combines mechanical and electrical training to produce a technician capable of trouble-shooting throughout the production process. This award will greatly benefit this united community effort to create a pathway to skilled local jobs.  Individuals trained for these skilled local jobs will gain career–level skills and earn great wages in a high-growth industry.

The establishment of this training program is a result of community partnership and in response to an identified need in the Mexico community. A group consisting of local manufacturers, Chamber of Commerce, city, county and state officials, public school administration, MACC administration, and MACC instructors was formed to address the lack of a skilled workforce locally and to determine training needs.  MACC’s mechatronics and maintenance curriculum along with advanced machining and welding training were identified as critical needs. MACC can provide both the entry-level production and mid-level maintenance training in their Mexico facility. 

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Dawn Food Products