Step aside, sugar rush! There is a savory revolution going on in the world of gastronomic desserts. Creative pastry chefs are taking their taste buds on an unexpected journey and challenging the conventional notions of dessert. Pioneering chefs are now steering desserts away from sweetness towards complexity, acidity, and savory flavors. Meet: the green dessert.
Pioneering complexity
One of the visionary pastry chefs and cooks who are pushing the boundary of modern pastry is the Ecuadorian cook Pia Salazar from the restaurant Nuema. Her iconic desserts with local vegetables have won her the title of World’s Best Pastry Chef 2023. Salazar is breaking away from the sweet norm and crafting desserts that intrigue and challenge the palate, presenting complex flavor profiles such as radish and turnip, which was her first creation.
Diners were skeptical about this dessert featuring root vegetables instead of chocolate, but she persevered. Her desserts are usually made up of just two or three ingredients, often a combination of an Ecuadorian fruit and vegetable.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Puratos Taste Tomorrow