Michigan: Home Cooks Can Now Sell Their Foods Legally

If you see more homemade breads, cookies, muffins, jelly, candy and seasonings displayed for sale at holiday fairs this year, there's a reason: They're finally legal.

Thanks to Michigan's new cottage food law — signed just four months ago by Gov. Jennifer Granholm — home bakers and cooks all over the state have another way to help make ends meet.

They can prepare certain foods, known as cottage foods, in their own homes, rather than having to use a licensed commercial kitchen, and sell the products directly to buyers at places such as farmers markets, roadside stands and festivals.

No one's getting rich. But the law is making a difference for some people who need extra income, hope to launch a full-fledged business or simply want an outlet for their baking habit. There's no way to know how many people are involved now, but the number is likely to grow as more Michiganders become aware of the new law.

To read the rest of this story please go to: The Detroit Free Press