LiteFoods Introduces Its Low-GI Bread Solution At IFT Show

Washington, DC – LiteFoods, Inc. announces it will introduce its Low Glycemic Index (GI) bread mix solution at the upcoming IFT14 Show June 21-24 in New Orleans. Visitors can explore this all natural solution to blood sugar spikes from breads at Booth #5319.

LiteFoods’ Low-GI Solution reduces blood sugar spikes by as much as 30%. This is great news for diabetics and others who must carefully monitor blood sugar. Now there’s a healthier solution for carbohydrate-containing foods like breads, muffins, and pizza dough…a boon for those watching and controlling their weight. And imagine a fast-food bun that’s actually healthier for you!

Using natural Asian botanicals in its formulation, this patented ingredient blend is perfect for virtually any bread-making application…just add and process as usual.

“The Low GI Solution is an important step in attacking the 4-S Tsunami of sugar, salt, starch and saturated fats,” says inventor Dr. Rajen Manicka. “This product will make breads better for you and more balanced without sacrificing taste.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, when blood sugar and insulin levels stay high, or cycle up and down rapidly, the body has trouble responding, possibly leading to insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, stroke, and heart disease.

LiteFoods, Inc. is a specialty food ingredient company with research & development facilities in Australia and Malaysia that concentrates on taking the guilt out of our ‘guilty pleasures’ in consuming comfort foods like fries, breads, sugars and salt.

For more information on LiteFoods, Inc. or to request a copy of the UWA test results, visit or write info(at)LiteFoodsInc(dot)com.

Source: LiteFoods, Inc.