Budget problems aren't the only issues under debate in state legislatures this season. In Maine, lawmakers are poised to make the "whoopie pie" the official state dessert — even though some claim the chocolate cake sandwich filled with white fluffy filling was actually invented in Pennsylvania.
As far as state Rep. Paul Davis is concerned, there's nothing half-baked about his bill to make the whoopie pie the official state dessert, even if its origin is uncertain. He says no Mainer has to go far to find whoopies — "bakeries, corner stores, mom-and-pop shops, supermarkets, restaurants, lunch stands, hotels, motels, B&Bs, taverns, bars, dance halls, wherever."
As it turns out, demand for whoopie pies is up.
"Whoopie pies have been on the rise for several years, and no one can pinpoint exactly the reason," says Amos Orcutt of the Maine Whoopie Pie Association.
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