Flowers Foods’ Nature’s Own Line Introduces Gluten-Free Bread

Another mainstream company has entered the gluten-free arena seeking to 'welcome gluten-free consumers back to bread' with their introduction of two types of gluten-free bread on May 10th.  Nature's Own has created Extra Fiber White and Healthy Multi-Grain gluten-free bread that is 100% natural and contains no artificial preservatives, colors or flavors or high fructose corn syrup. 

Cholesterol and trans fat free, these loaves contain eight grams of whole grain and three grams of fiber per slice.  The bread is being introduced in select Atlanta Publix, Kroger, and Wal-Mart stores in 20 oz. packages with a suggested retail price of $5.99 per loaf.  Their website has a listing of which local stores will be carrying the bread and it also lists the ingredients in each loaf. 

What is interesting about their gluten-free bread is that it is pre-sliced and has a shelf life of 10-14 days, which is the same shelf life as the gluten version of their bread.  Historically gluten-free bread has to be sold frozen because it lacks the preservatives that keep gluten bread from molding, so this is the first bread created by a mainstream company touting its ability to be shelf stable.  If you have not consumed the entire loaf by the end of 14 days, the bread can be stored in your freezer for up to two months.

To read the rest of this story please go to: Philadelphia Examiner